Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January Garden

The absolute beautiful, warm sunny day inspired me to go work down 
in the greenhouse. The temps inside the plastic was a 
balmy 60 degrees
and on the outside a tolerable 36 degrees.
The sun is amazing. This winter is amazing!!
I could live here if every winter is this nice. . .
but considering I don't have any choice,
I'll take the lovely weather.

We are over the hump and everything is encouraging us towards spring.
I cleaned out some old plants to make rooms for early plantings
to be seeded in a couple weeks.
The cold hardy crops;
have outdone the lettuces by far.
NO! Goosey! We don't plant for your benefit.

Mr. Gander has developed a misguided romantic attachment towards me.
Silly goose!


  1. Oh my! Wait till my mom sees... :[] We're picking salad mix from our greenhouse too, but only thanks to grow lights!

  2. thank you for pointing me to the in courage article on friendship. (i hadn't seen it.) thanks so much.

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  3. Hi - thanks for coming over to my place :)

    Mizuna and kale seem to have been 2 of the stars of the winter here in the UK as well. I hope goosey takes care of the slugs and snails in future and not your salad!

    We get together every 24th Friday of the month for a round up of how everyone's getting on with their salad challenge if you're interested. The next one's on March 23rd. I've put a link to your post in this month's, so people get a chance to come over and see you :)
